The Evangelical Missiological Society will hold its northeast regional annual conference April 2, 2016, at First Baptist Church of Flushing, Queens, New York. Participants will consider a dozen papers that call attention to “Mission(s) and the Local Church.” Enoch Wan, professor of intercultural studies, Western Seminary, Portland, OR, will address “The Practice of Diaspora Missions in Local Congregation”; John R. Morgan, strategic initiatives and research coordinator, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, New Cumberland, PA, will look at “Global Trends and the American Church in Mission”; and Xiyi (Kevin) Yao, associate professor of world Christianity and Asian studies, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA, will examine “Biola in China and Chinese Christians: A Historical Case Study of American Missionaries and Chinese Church. John Wang, Chinese and Spanish pastor at First Baptist Church of Flushing, is EMS Northeast vice president. Some of the papers will be given in Spanish and Mandarin. Details:
The American Society of Missiology will hold its annual meeting June 17–19, 2016, at the University of Northwestern-St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. “Missiology and Public Life: Mission’s Constructive Engagement with Societies, Change, and Conflict” will be the theme and speakers will include Sebastian Kim, chair in theology and public life, York St. John University, York, UK; Emmanuel Katongole, associate professor of theology and peace studies, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Indiana; Ruth Padilla DeBorst, a networking team member of the International Fellowship of Mission as Transformation, Costa Rica; Mario Vega, general director of Misión Cristiana Elim, El Salvador; and ASM 2016 president Gregory Leffel of One Horizon, Lexington, KY. Details:
Just before the ASM gathering, the Association of Professors of Mission will hold their annual meeting, June 16–17, 2016, at the University of Northwestern–St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Participants will discuss “Teaching Christian Mission in an Age of World Christianity.” The speakers will include Peter Phan, professor of Catholic social thought, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; Mai-Anh Le Tran, associate professor of Christian education, Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri; and Philip Wingeier-Rayo, associate professor of evangelism, mission, and Methodist studies, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, Texas. The APM president is Angel D. Santiago-Vendrell, assistant professor of evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY. Details:
“Conversions and Transformations: Missiological Approaches to Religious Change” will be the focus of the fourteenth assembly of the International Association for Mission Studies, August 11–17, 2016, at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul, South Korea. Participants will examine issues of conversion and religious change from the multiple perspective that shape contemporary mission studies. Speakers will include Hyung Keun (Paul) Choi, professor of mission studies at Seoul Theological University and general secretary of the Korea Lausanne Committee; Christine Lienemann-Perrin, professor emerita of ecumenics and mission studies at Basel University, Switzerland; Elsa Tamez, who teaches at Latin American Biblical University in Costa Rica and is author of Struggles for Power in Early Christianity: A Study of the First Letter to Timothy (2007); and Joel Robbins, professor of social anthropology at University of Cambridge, who has studied conversion and religious transformation among the Urapmin of Papua New Guinea. Conference planners are seeking papers on mission, conversion, transformation and the various missiological approaches to religious change from the perspective of the main fields of the IAMS Study Groups, as well as from other scholarly fields of study. Details: