Died. Virgilio Elizondo

Died. Virgilio Elizondo, 80, pioneer Latino/a theologian, March 14, 2016. Born in San Antonio, TX, and son of Mexican immigrants, Elizondo was a co-founder of the Mexican American Cultural Center (now the Mexican American Catholic College) in 1972.

He served for many years on the faculty of the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN, and his many books on Hispanic /Latino/a theology have become groundbreaking works in contextual theology.

A warm, personable human being, Elizondo was a pastor above all, and his academic work was always first and foremost in service of his missionary commitment. Fr. Elizondo died at his own hand—“an unspeakable tragedy,” as one of his longtime friends expressed it. As Roman Catholics observe 2016 as a “Jubilee of Mercy,” we can only commend this great theologian and pastor to God’s untiring and unwavering compassion and love.

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