Miriam Adeney spoke about “Why Culture Matters.”
Sixty mission administrators and academics gathered April 22–24 for OMSC’s Mission Leadership Forum (MLF). They explored the implications of urbanization and globalization for missionaries, mission agencies, and churches. Lively discussion ensued, said Dr. Darrell Whiteman, OMSC’s interim executive director who organized the invitation-only conference. “The ethnic boundaries that distinguish one people group from another are becoming more fuzzy and porous, and yet much of our missiological thinking is in terms of mission among a particular people group, hence the slogan ‘adopt a people group’ for your church’s mission outreach,” he noted.
Darrell Jackson, senior lecturer in missiology at Morling College, Australia, was the MLF Bible study speaker. A complete list of presenters and topics, as well as a web link to audio recordings, may be found at www.omsc.org/mlf-april-2016.shtml.
The next MLF will be December 2–4 on the topic “Mission and Refugees: Crisis and Opportunity.”