The World Is At Our Doorstep: Are You Reaping the Benefits of OMSC?

Why do people support OMSC? Speaking at a Pastors’ Mission Luncheon earlier this year, Global Missions Pastor Larry Fullerton (Black Rock Church, Fairfield) shared four reasons why he believes in OMSC and its mission:


OMSC is truly international. Missionaries living and studying at OMSC are serving in countries other than where they were born. They are Indians serving the Islamic world, Africans ministering to Asia, and Latinos working in Europe.

OMSC is local, located in New Haven, literally across the street from the Yale Divinity School. As a Missions Pastor in a church less than one hour’s drive from OMSC, I have, almost at my doorstep, a cohort of missionaries from around the world. Where else can I find missionaries who minister in limited access countries or who teach at some of the great international missionary schools and seminaries?

OMSC is ecumenical. It is one of the few places, possibly in all Christendom, where you can find Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, liberal, charismatic, and evangelical missionaries and scholars living and growing together. I serve in an evangelical church and it is refreshing to be confronted with the fact that the church crosses all man-made boundaries.

Finally, OMSC has enriched my life. It has had a powerful impact on me, not only as a Missions Pastor but also as a Christ-follower. I remember sitting in a seminar led by Dr. Andrew Walls and coming away with a new understanding of the spread of Christianity. I remember sitting in a leadership seminar at OMSC where we had a very frank discussion about racism and the mission field. It was at OMSC where I first heard of Operation World’s prayer guide and its emphasis on the necessity of praying for the nations. OMSC has enriched and challenged my soul.

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