In Memoriam

Cortina Orr (1958 - 2017)

Cortina Orr (1958 – 2017)

Cortina Orr (OMSC resident 2009-10) passed away in Texas on May 1, 2017. Together with her husband, Rodney, she served as a missionary in Kenya, Scotland, and Zimbabwe. Most recently Cortina was a disciple of women at Global Aid Network in Plano, TX. She is survived by her husband and their two children, Ariel and Bradley (wife Leslie).

Alan Kreider (1941 - 2017)

Alan Kreider (1941 – 2017)

Alan F. Kreider (OMSC senior scholar 2005-06) died at home in Goshen, IN on May 8, 2017. He and his wife, Eleanor, served with the Mennonite Board of Missions in England for many years where they were directors of the London Mennonite Centre. They taught in theological colleges, spoke at conferences and helped to establish a new Anabaptist Network. They served as OMSC senior scholars in residence in 2005-06. Alan also taught church history and missions courses at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, and was named Professor Emeritus of Church History and Mission by AMBS in October 2014. He is survived by his wife Eleanor and son Andrew (wife Katie Bast) and three grandchildren, Joseph, Daniel, and Eleanor Rose Kreider.

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