The Good News Of The Gospel Is Not Always Good News For Mission Workers

New churches are opening around the world as people of other faiths convert to Christianity. But in many places, those who are newly converted themselves are often tagged as the local leaders of the church, without the educational resources or the experience for the job. Thanks to your support, current OMSC residents who have gained experience and understanding through participation in our residential study program will be returning to central Asia to offer member care for some of these pastors.

In India, former OMSC resident Steward faces a different challenge as he works with Hindu converts. He reports that Hindu fanatics are trying to reconvert all the Christians in India and are mobilizing nearly 100,000 workers. Some churches are closing and one church was forcibly turned into a school. Even amidst these challenges, Steward says, “Indeed the Lord is good and He is taking care of our life and ministry here.” Please continue to pray for workers like Steward.

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