Let There Be Light

Josie Calixto-Alvarez

Josie Calixto-Alvarez

A full-time Bible teacher and Chaplain at Bishop Han Theological Seminary in the Philippines, Josie came into residence at OMSC in 2013 when she and her husband, Arnel, were newlyweds. As they took seminars together and met with people of many different denominations and cultures, their own vision for their mission work expanded.

Upon returning home to the Philippines Josie and Arnel established several ministry projects together. In 2014 they initiated a project to distribute Cebuano and Tagalog Bibles to local churches. The project took off, and in the summer of 2016 Josie was able to distribute 100 Cebuano Bibles to residents of Happy Homes, a center where many of the residents have been neglected or have abused drugs. Once a month she also brings the residents bath soap, and provides bus fare for two pastors to visit the residents and provide Bible study and free haircuts! In October 2017, Josie was able to distribute another 100 copies of Tagalog Bibles to indigenous people.

When Arnel passed away unexpectedly, Josie was devastated. Nevertheless, she continues the projects they had established together to honor his memory. One of the projects that is particularly close to her heart is her mission to bring light to 25 families living in Sito Angel who do not have electricity. She has already raised enough funds to purchase solar lighting for five of the families, and has a goal of purchasing lighting for the remaining 20 families by March, 2018.

Though she sometimes feels overwhelmed and exhausted, Josie’s heart for mission continues undaunted. She hopes to return to OMSC for a much-needed member care break within the next two years, but in the meanwhile the encouragement and support she receives from her friends around the world helps to uphold her for the work she has yet to do.

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