OMSC Dec 15-17, 2017 Cape Cod Resident Retreat

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Rev. Steven Bonsey,  a Yale Divinity graduate, Episcopal priest, and co-director of Wisdom & Money led an inspiring retreat for the Overseas Ministries Study Center’s resident scholars, artists and missionaries on contemplative prayer. OMSC thanks Rev. Steven and the Saint Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Chatham for graciously hosting OMSC staff and residents in a comfortable seminar room for our retreat.  

“In contemplative prayer, as exemplified by Jesus’ own practice and teaching, we personally cooperate with the Holy Spirit’s work of healing, transformation and inner guidance so that we may more faithfully and effectively serve as leaders in the name of Christ.” ~ Rev. Steven Bonsey

OMSC also attended worship on Sunday with the Saint Christopher’s Episcopal Church’s congregation. It was a wonderful time of learning, prayer and fellowship.

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