Summer camp is a familiar and much-loved tradition for many American families, and one that is often taken for granted. In fact, for many people it can be difficult to decide which of the many available camps their children should attend. But programs for children are a rarity in many areas of the world where buildings, teachers, and resources are scarce.
This didn’t stop one resourceful alumni couple from bringing summer camp to families in their remote area of central Asia. (For security reasons we are not allowed to use their names.) Together with their own children they organized a children’s club and several children’s camps throughout the summer. In mid-August they organized their last camp of the summer, teaming up with a pastor who hopes to establish an educational center for children in his village. Ever resourceful, the pastor is building his center out of shipping containers. While not yet complete, the container building had progressed enough to be the site of the summer camp.
Surprisingly, the container was large enough to accommodate 80 children at the day camp! Nevertheless many others stayed nearby watching the activities and wishing for a chance to participate. “This was an amazing week for our whole family,” our alumni report. “We saw a real thirst in the children. They paid close attention and gladly received instruction on Bible verses, and joyfully participated in the games and arts and crafts.”