At the Lord’s command they encamped, and at the Lord’s command they set out.
— Numbers 9:23
Former residents of OMSC, E* and J* (names protected for security reasons) work in a remote area under the ever watchful eyes of the Chinese government. Recently they undertook a trip into the mountains to train four local mission workers. Despite security concerns, and some personality conflicts among the local workers, E* and J* felt the Lord’s peace as they undertook this trip. Here is what they said:
“We had a great time in the mountains. It was snowing on the mountain tops and still cold…J couldn’t sleep well because of the low temperature at night, but we were full of His spirit. We had 7 people all attending the training, for a total of 21 hours teaching within four days. We were so encouraged by the workers’ experiences of local culture and religion. We were thankful that more and more local people have been interested in reaching out and sharing the Gospel.”