Dr. Deborah Hunsinger

Dr. Deborah Hunsinger is Charlotte W. Newcombe Professor of Pastoral Theology Emerita at Princeton Theological Seminary.  An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), she worked for many years in a ministry of pastoral counseling before her 25 years on the seminary faculty.  Now retired, she works as a spiritual director and Resonant Healing Practitioner.  Her book, Bearing the Unbearable: Trauma, Gospel and Pastoral Care, won the BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD from the Academy of Parish Clergy in 2015.

Seminar: Trauma, Mission, & World Christianity

 October 8-9 (Tuesday-Wednesday)

Missionaries all over the world engage with communities suffering from personal and collective trauma. In this seminar, a conceptual model that will serve as a lens for seeing and understanding trauma and its healing will be offered.

After presenting the model on its own terms, it will be brought into conversation with Christian theology and practice.  My aim is to create a context of mutual sharing and trust where participants can learn from one another how to address the challenges they face when witnessing the traumatic suffering of those they serve.

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