Dr. Gina A. Zurlo

Dr. Gina A. Zurlo, Ph.D. is currently a Visiting Scholar in World Christianity at Harvard Divinity School (Cambridge, MA). Her research interests include history, quantitative studies, sociology of religion, and gender studies. She is the co-author of the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition (Edinburgh University Press, 2019) and editor of the World Christian Database and World Religion Database (Brill). She has recently authored three books: Global Christianity: A Guide to the World’s Largest Religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (Zondervan, 2022); Women in World Christianity: Building and Sustaining a Global Movement (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023); and From Nairobi to the World: David B. Barrett and the Re-Imagining of World Christianity (Brill, 2023). She was named one of the BBC’s 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2019 for her work in quantifying religion and non-religion worldwide.

Seminar: Women, Mission, & World Christianity

April 8-11 (Tuesday-Friday)

A central theme of World Christianity and mission studies is the 20th-century demographic shift of Christianity to the global South. Yet, often left out of the narrative is the utterly central role of women in that shift. Women make up the majority of church attenders worldwide, and likely the majority of missionaries, yet they are chronically missing from key leadership positions in churches and mission organizations. This seminar will discuss gender gaps in World Christianity and what we can do to bring more attention to women’s contributions to the global church. 

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