Advertising Resources

International Bulletin of Mission Research (

Published quarterly in January, April, July and October for OMSC by SAGE Publications. The International Bulletin of Mission Research has one of the largest circulations among academic journals in mission. Our international readership includes professional members of the American Society of Missiology, the International Association for Mission Studies, the Deutsche Gesellschaft for Missionswissenchaft, the American Theological Library Association, the Association of Professors of Mission in North America, the International Association of Catholic Missiologists, and executive administrators of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox mission boards, agencies, and societies.


Advertising orders, correspondence, and camera-ready copy should be sent to the advertising manager:

Patrick Shanley
Shanley + Associates, LLC
(312) 919-1306


ISSUE Reservation & Ad Copy Due

January | October 1

April | January 1

July | April 1

October | July 1

Full page   4.5 X 8.0 inches  $725

(add $200 for a premium color ad on an inside cover)

Half page  4.5 X 3.75 inches $300
(or $275 if 4 half-page ads are reserved at the same time)

Advertising deadlines are available from advertising manager.


The IBMR offers advertisers — whether or not they advertise in the print edition — the opportunity to purchase an ad on Sage’s journal home page. Ask the advertising manager about the acceptable size(s) for online ads.

Online advertising rate: $200 per month.

Online advertising design services are available for a fee from Shanley & Associates.

For additional information or to purchase an online ad, contact the advertising manager: Patrick Shanley,

Unless an advance space contract is made for four consecutive issues, the one-time rate will apply. No earned rates or rebates.

Advertising rate subject to change upon notice. Contracts may be cancelled at time of change without incurring short rate adjustment if contract has been earned up to this date.

Agency commission of 15% on gross is offered to recognized advertising agencies provided payment is made upon ordering.

Payment is due at the time of ordering for online and print advertising.

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