Jun Ding

Dr. Jun Ding is an English-Chinese literary translator and bilingual lexicographer, associate professor of English at Fudan University. She was a member of the editing committees for The English-Chinese Dictionary (unabridged, 2nd edition, 2007) and The Chinese-English Dictionary (unabridged, 2015), and a council member of the Shanghai Translators Association. Jun came to faith on July 20th, 2010, as the first believer in her entire family.

Over the years she has been translating books of both fiction and nonfiction, by authors of various literary backgrounds such as J. D. Salinger, Vladimir Nabokov, Michael Ondaatje, etc.. She is currently devoted to translating C. S. Lewis’s works, with four finished, namely, Surprised by Joy (2016), Mere Christianity (2023), Studies in Words (2023), and The Allegory of Love (to be published), and more in the process of translation, including The Four Loves, The Screwtape Letters, Letters for Children, and The Chronicles of Narnia. She hopes to go on translating Lewis’s notable apologetic works and win for them a wider Chinese readership, especially among the youth.

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