Spring Mission Leadership Forum Tackles Timely Topic: “Mission and Refugees: Crisis and Opportunity.”

More than three dozen mission leaders from the United States and the United Kingdom convened in New Haven from April 21-23 to learn from each other and to share their perspectives on “Mission and Refugees: Crisis and Opportunity.”

Participants heard from a dynamic group of speakers, including Chris George, Executive Director of Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) in New Haven, CT, Judith Mayotte, Ethicist and Author of Disposable People? The Plight of Refugees, and Rachel Uthmann, Director of Training for International Association for Refugees. Participants came away with a deepened sense of awareness of the political, cultural, and missional complexities of the refugee crisis and a sense of the urgency of this crisis for the world and the churches.

The next meeting of the MLF is scheduled for April 6–8, 2018 at OMSC. The theme we plan to explore is “Christian Witness and Building Bridges with Muslim Communities.”

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