OMSC Welcomes New Trustees

The OMSC Board of Trustees gatheredfor a photo on May 4 following their two-day meeting with incoming executive director Dr. Thomas John Hastings, Mrs. Carol Hastings, and interim executive director Dr. Darrell Whiteman.

The OMSC Board of Trustees gatheredfor a photo on May 4 following their two-day meeting with incoming executive director Dr. Thomas John Hastings, Mrs. Carol Hastings, and interim executive director Dr. Darrell Whiteman.

At their May 3–4 meeting the OMSC Board of Trustees elected three new board members:

Dr. Joel Carpenter, director of the Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI;

Dr. Joseph Delahunt, pastor of First Baptist Church, New Haven, CT;

Dr. Susan Billington Harper of Villanova, PA, a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

They also elected a new board secretary, Dr. Tite Tiénou, who holds the Tite Tiénou chair of mission and global theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL.

The board expressed their appreciation for departing board members Keun Sam Chung, M.D.; Dr. Casely B. Essamuah; Fr. Luke N. Veronis; and Dr. Darrell Whiteman, the board secretary who serves until June 30 as the interim executive director.

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